Go Back  /  Camillia, J-1 Au Pair from Paris, France seeks U.S. Host Family

Au Pair Status Notification: Camillia has completed her application and is currently being screened. You may still schedule an interview.

Camillia Available Now

23 year-old female from France Speaks English, French

Total Childcare Hours 2,140
Infant Care Hours 2,000
Infant Qualified
Driver's License
Letter to Host Families

Parisian Au pair looking for the American dream

I am a creative and sporty person that loves taking initiative and having fun with kids! singing, dancing, making delicious healthy candy’s or ice cream, art and craft activities, making bracelets, makeup, scientific experiments, make them learn new things, organize an outing (amusement park, picnic ... ()

Photos (27)
Videos (0)
Childcare Experience
Driving Experience
Childcare Jobs
Other Work Experience
Background Information
HEXACO Personality Inventory
Personal Interests
Short Answer Questions
Medical Information