Go Back  /  Luis, J-1 Au Pair from Carayaca, Venezuela seeks U.S. Host Family


Luis In Country Au Pair Available Now

25 year-old male from Venezuela Speaks English, Spanish

Total Childcare Hours 2,380
Infant Care Hours 480
Infant Qualified
Driver's License
Letter to Host Families

Friendly and Responsible Male Au Pair!

Hi, I'm Luis Ortuño, a young man from Venezuela. I'm 25 years old and I live in Carayaca, a small town near Caracas, the capital of my country. I have a beautiful family, they are an inspiration to me: my mom Ana, my dad Luis, two brothers Luis Fernando and Luis Rafael, my grandma Rosa and my dog ... ()

Photos (8)
Videos (1)
Childcare Experience
Driving Experience
Childcare Jobs
Other Work Experience
Background Information
HEXACO Personality Inventory
Personal Interests
Short Answer Questions
Medical Information